
The first Courtenay radios were just a crystal set with an audio amplifier and power supply added.  Not very conventional. This was about 1930. However  it wasn't long before proper radios were being made, and by the end of 1931 a range of 3, 4, and 6 valve models were available. The name was derived from the street address of the distributor.

 Courtenay Radio

A smallish 5 valve Broadcast only, from 1939. One of the Garage sale goodies, that really only needs a good cleaning. This was made by Radio Corp.

This one is a bit of an enigma. I think it is a Courtenay. Apart from the logo on the dial, there is no other means of identification.  Some people say it is a Courtenay, but others say they don't think so, but can give no other ideas. So, Courtenay it is, until I find proof otherwise!  It is broadcast only, 5 valve, 5 inch Rola permag speaker, and made in the late 30s. Haven't yet checked to see if it may have been converted from an electromag speaker.

Courtenay radio. I think!   Courtenay Dial. I think

Click on pictures above for large versions

Courtenay radio advertisement from 1934.  Click for full size image.

Advertisement for Courtenay radios, 1935.  Click for full size image.

 1934     135KB

1935     70KB

    Click on pictures above for large versions of these advertisements.       

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