
       National radios were made for John Burns Ltd by various New Zealand manufacturers.

National radio made for John Burns Ltd.

There is no actual manufacturer identification on this 1939, all wave, 6 valve radio, but could well be Westonhouse Air Gas Co. Performance is brilliant.  It really drags in both the shortwave and broadcast stations, with very good tone. A very pleasing buy for ten bucks! Gotta be in the right place at the right time...

Dial of National radio.

A closer view of the dial showing the 2 shortwave and 1 broadcast bands. The JBL logo is very prominent.  The magic eye still works perfectly, and, unusually, is still quite bright. I believe everything is all original, except for the one knob that was missing, which I shall have to try and find a replacement for.  The 2 dial-light bulbs are at diagonally opposite corners.


 National 529 Radio

This is a 1939  5 valve,  dual wave. Also has a gram input.  One of the Garage Sale sets.

Advertisement for National Radio,  Click for full size image.

Click on picture for a large version of this advertisement. 58KB.

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